Focus on Fort Collins
Thank you for visiting the fund raising website for Waypoint Church in Fort Collins, Colorado.
We have presented information about the Millers, Waypoint Church, and the city of Fort Collins.
Our hope is that you will prayerfully consider supporting the work here in Fort Collins
Fort Collins, Colorado
Fort Collins
Is the fourth largest city in the state of Colorado. It is located a little more than sixty miles north of Denver along what is referred to as the Front Range. The population is estimated to be slightly over 175,000. The city is home to Colorado State University, and has been named as one of the top 10 places to live several times in recent years. Covering an area of over 58 square miles, Fort Collins has a population density of approximately 3,017 people per square mile.

Spiritual Needs
63.75% of those over the age of 25 have attained at least an associate degree or higher. Although most are very well educated, the statistics suggest that 60% make no claims to any religious affiliation. Of the remaining 40%, who do claim an affiliation with a religious group, the largest group is Roman Catholic. There is a great need for the people to hear the message of the gospel of Christ!
The Mission
At one time there were at least nine Free Will Baptist Churches in the state of Colorado. We now have two established churches and two mission churches. It is our desire to see Waypoint Church become an established church, reaching people with the gospel, seeing lives transformed as they become disciples of Christ who then learn to make disciples.
You Can Help!
Your support helps us as we work together to reach people and expand God's kingdom. Thanks So Much!

Waypoint Church
​Is a brand new Free Will Baptist Church that began meeting in 2020 during the Covid-19 restrictions. In spite of the obstacles, we have been able to get quite a bit done. We are extremely excited about what God is doing here! Our goal is to maximize our effectiveness at living obediently to the Great Commission. We want to make disciples who make disciples, and teach them everything Jesus taught. We are certainly blessed with the building and property we have here, but there is much work to be done. Maintenance, repairs, and updates are greatly needed. The property and building of the Snowy Ridge Church which had it's last service on November 10th, 2020, is now the new home of Waypoint Church.